TESTING – Special Tests
Technical Specification
We mean with«SPECIAL TESTS», all the safety testing activities that are not covered by harmonized standards and for this reason they ariso from aTechnical Specification created with the Customer.
Basically, if the manufacturer believes that for the type of product there are no applicable technical norms for his device and he still wants to demonstrate the compliance with the essential requirements of the applicable EU directives, he establishes, with the support of MEQUIPE, a special testing plan, specific, to demonstrate, as allowed, that is product is safe and effective.
It is a possibility that to many is recognized , that is why it is underused, but it is still an opportunity for the manufacturer struggling with the application of harmonized standards.
MEQUIPE, supports the manufacturer in the definition of Technical Specifications and the carrying out of the consequent tests to meet all the needs of the manufacturer’s of:
- Medical devices
- Electric and electronic equipment for domestic, industrial and similar use
- Luminaires
- Electronic equipment for Information Technology (IT)
- Audio visual (AV) equipment
- Fire protection systems
MEQUIPE, can also design and realizespecial equipmentto meet any need belonging toTechnical Specification.

As for COMPLETE and PARTIAL TESTS, also DESIGN VALIDATION TESTS can be carried out both at our labs andat the customer’s production site.
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